Totelos N2

Back row, f.l.t.r.: Simone Spiller, Andras Szabo, Mika van Loon, Lennard Ceelen, Luc Hamelijnck

Front row, f.l.t.r.: Rinke Giesen, Umesh Kumar, Martijn Wildemans

Missing on photo: Miguel Castre

I have been asked, as captain of N2, to write a piece about our team. This is of course always a challenge, but no less challenging than our competition. Despite that, as the men of N2, Totelos' flagship team in the NZVB, we never shy away from a challenge! Why flagship, I hear you thinking. Well this is because since this year N1 has been disbanded, but they refused to make or call us N1. Nevertheless, this of course does not diminish our qualities. A team with a sporty group of men who come together from all corners of the world on Monday nights to demonstrate their aforementioned qualities. Despite the fact that we are blessed with these skills and tactical insight, luck is not often on our side. Our games often end with 1-2 goals difference, only unfortunately for our opponents. Call it bad luck or mere coincidence, we won't say exactly what it is, but one thing that is certain this season, which is an achievement in itself, is the fact that we finally managed to get our team photo taken!


