Vertrouwenscontactpersonen (VCP’s)

Our confidential contact persons (CCP) are currently Jan Jenneskens and Daniek Dobber. It is possible to talk to Confidential Contact Persons both within and outside Totelos. If you experience something that bothers you, are unsure of how to handle it, or believe it should be reported, you can also do so with Jan Jenneskens or Daniek Dobber. A CCP can be approached in case of transgressive behaviour. This may concern issues such as bullying, (sexual) intimidation or discrimination. A conversation with the CCP is confidential, which means that the matters discussed will not be distributed further without permission. The CCP is also independent of the board and can therefore also be approached for complaints about this. A CCP is not a counselor, but can advise possible next steps. You can find the contact information for the CCPs on the Totelos website under the ‘Contact’ tab.

If you prefer to talk to someone else, that is also possible and we refer you to the Eindhoven Student Sports Federation (ESSF) or to one of the VCPs of the TU/e.

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